
On this page you’ll find resources to accompany Matter of Fat’s May 25th presentation.
Click here to access our slides.

body positivity

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo. Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a dark purple rectangle. To the middle/right “body positi…

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo. Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a dark purple rectangle. To the middle/right “body positivity” appears (this minisode’s title).


Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo. Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a periwinkle rectangle. To the middle/right “fatphobia” a…

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo. Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a periwinkle rectangle. To the middle/right “fatphobia” appears (this minisode’s title).

Where does Fatphobia Come from? - Heather Ashbach in conversation with Sabrina Strings, 2019, University of California

6 Things That I Understand About the Fat Acceptance Movement - Jes Baker, 2016, Huffington Post

Thicc not Sick - Samantha Bee, 2019, Full Frontal 

6 Tools For Understanding and Dismantling Weight Stigma and Fatphobia - Gillian Brown, 2016, The Body is Not an Apology

Why Fat Humanity Should Not Be Governed By F*ckability - Sherronda J. Brown, 2017, Wear Your Voice Mag

I’m Fat - Only 15.6% of Hiring Managers Would Consider Hiring Me - Hannah Clark, Medium

Avoiding Fatphobia and Sizeism in Healthcare - It Gets Fatter Project

Sized Up: Why Fat Is A Queer and Feminist Issue - Anna Mallow, 2013, Bitch Magazine 

Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia - Sabrina Strings, 2019

Fatphobia: A Guide for the Disbeliever - Kitty Stryker, 2017, Huffington Post

Fatphobia: 5 Facts and a Guide for the Disbeliever - Kitty Stryker, 2014, Everyday Feminism 

Dear Virgie: Why are People So Mean to Fat People? - Virgie Tovar, 2017

Misclassification of Cardiometabolic Health When Using Body Mass Index Categories in NHANES 2005-2012 - Tomiyama, A.J., Hunger, J.M., Nguyen-Cuu, J., & Wells, C. 2016. 

Pure Evil: The Entwined History of White Supremacy and Fat Hatred - Shannon Weber, 2017, B*tch Magazine

Why Fatphobia has a Negative Impact on our Society - Taylor Wolfram, 2018 WellSeek

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat - Aubrey Gordon

fat liberation

Why Fat Humanity Should Not Be Governed By F*ckability - Sherronda J. Brown, 2017, Wear Your Voice Mag

Where are all the disabled people in the body positivity campaigns? - Rachel Cohen Rottenberg, 2017, The Body is not an Apology (TBINAA)

4 Reasons Why We Need Fat Liberation - Laurel Dickman, 2016, Wear Your Voice Mag

Fat Acceptance Activists explain why Body Positivity is Becoming Meaningless - Evette Dionne, 2017, Revelist

The Fragility of Body Positivity: How a Radical Movement Lost Its Way - Evette Dionne, 2017, B*tch

Here’s what fat acceptance is and isn’t - Evette Dionne, 2019, Yes!

Life in the Fat Underground - Sara Golda Bracha Fishman, 1998

Uncovering the History of Fat Acceptance: Lew Louderback’s 1967 Article - Dagny Kight, 2014

Super Fat Erasure: 4 Ways Smaller Fat Bodies Crowd the Conversation - Caleb Luna, 2019, TBINAA

Sized Up: Why Fat Is A Queer and Feminist Issue - Anna Mollow, 2013, Bitch

How Body Positivity Lost it True and Radical Meaning - Bethany Rutter, 2017, DAZED

Fat as a Feminist Issue: A History by Zora Simic

In Fat Sex: New Directions in Theory and Activism By Helen Hester, Caroline Walters, 2016

The Feminist History of Fat Liberation - Sarah Simon, 2017, Ms. Magazine

11 Influencers Discuss The Difference Between Body Positivity and Fat Acceptance - Marie Southard Ospina, 2016, Bustle

Dear Virgie: Is There Room For Women Of Color in the Fat Movement - Virgie Tovar, 2016, Wear Your Voice Mag

Do 95% of Dieters Really Fail? - Ragen Chastain, 2011, Dances with Fat  

The US Weight Loss & Diet Control Market Report - Marketdata LLC, 2019 

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo. Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a goldenrod rectangle. To the middle/right “fat liberation” appears (this minisode’s title).

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo. Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a goldenrod rectangle. To the middle/right “fat liberation” appears (this minisode’s title).

 diet culture

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo, and plates and scales (to align with the topic). Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a teal rectangle. To the middle/right “diet culture” appears (this minisode’s title).

Image of episode cover. The top is a colorful design in with abstract shapes, MoF logos, and the cartoon venuses from the MoF logo, and plates and scales (to align with the topic). Below it, the Matter of Fat logo is at the bottom left atop a teal rectangle. To the middle/right “diet culture” appears (this minisode’s title).

Recognizing and Resisting Diet Culture
Ragen Chastain, 2019, NEDA

The new WW is about wellness. Critics say is Diet Culture in disguise. 
Allyson Chiu, 2018, The Washington Post

Watching Our Weight Could Be Killing Us 
Virginia Heffernan, 2019, WIRED

Embodied: Deconstructing Diet Culture and the Science Behind It
Josie Taris & Anita Rao, 2019, WUNC 

Diets Are a Lot Like Religion
Melissa Dahl, 2015, The Cut

What is Diet Culture? + The Life Thief
Christy Harrison 

The Long, Strange History of Dieting Fads
Melissa Wdowik, 2017, The Conversation

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat - Aubrey Gordon

Jessica Wilson, MS. RD.She/Her
Dietitian.Consultant.Activist.  @jessicawilson.msrd

HAES - Health at Every Size Info: HAES Community website , HAES Manifesto excerpt from Health at Every Size by Dr. Lindo Bacon , HAES Principles from ASDAH